Promo for the end of the year

Started by admin
2021-12-15 at 11:28
Posts: 641
Hi guys,

Are you ready for our promotion for the end of the year?

From today until January 5, we will add 10% to all your deposits.
The minimum deposit to participate in the promotion is only $1!!

We also invite you to visit our upgrade page and meet new memberships.

Stay safe and enjoy the holidays!

Your admins
« Last Edit: 2021-12-15 at 11:35 by Admin »
Posts: 1
Quote: admin
Hi guys,

Are you ready for our promotion for the end of the year?

From today until January 5, we will add 10% to all your deposits.
The minimum deposit to participate in the promotion is only $1!!

We also invite you to visit our upgrade page and meet new memberships.

Stay safe and enjoy the holidays!

Your admins